Associated Press. (2014). Michael Brown Funeral: Mourners Urge Black Americans to Take Action. CBC. Web 25 Aug 2014. Retrieved 27 Aug 2014 from < news/ world/ michael-brown-funeral-mourners-urge-black-americans-to-take-action- 1.2745722 >
The Associated Press tells a story about the Black community’s united stand for justice and legal action to the murder of Michael Brown, an 18-year old black living in Ferguson. More than 4,500 supporters coming from diverse backgrounds gather during the funeral service to cry out for justice. Brown’s case is one of the many accounts of murder committed by the white people against the Blacks. Street protests and mass rallies were held in several areas. The reactions of the people towards Brown’s death are deeply rooted to the history of slavery and civil rights movement all over America. It will always be a part of the “dark past” which needs to be cured throughout generations. The incident serves as a reminder that society still harbors inequality and injustice. That Blackness must never be equated to gangsters. And that the government must learn to listen before transforming protest into sensible laws and legislations.
Harmon, D. (1996). Beneath the Image of the Civil Rights Movements and Race Relations. US: Colgate University.
David Andrew Harmon mentioned about how Atlanta portrayed an image of being the New South city, a model for race relations and progress for both Whites and Blacks during 1946 to 1981. However, the city revealed several contradiction between racial progress and social, political and economic realities. A two-tiered economic Black society emerged. Racial reform and economic equality is difficult to achieve for the poor Blacks. Because of the Civil Rights Movement, African Americans won their place in the city’s leadership. Unfortunately, the governing interracial coalition emphasized racial progress over racial beliefs and attitudes. As a result, the lower-economic strata of both communities suffered. Thus, it is a challenge for the coalition to involve the African American underclass into the economic mainstream. What happened in Atlanta is still true today. The challenge for the government is how to combat poverty and promote inclusive growth amidst the fast-changing world of technology and industrialization.
Harris, F. (2014). Will Ferguson be a Moment or a Movement? The Washington Post. Web. 22 Aug 2014. Retrieved 27 Aug 2014 from < opinions/will-ferguson-be-a-moment-or-a-movement/2014/08/22/071d4a94-28a8-11e4- 8593-da634b334390_story.html >
Fredrick Harris is known as a Columbian professor of political science and an author of “Rise and Decline of Black Politics”. Again, Harris writes about an incident involving the death of a young Black citizen, Michael Brown. Harris tries to explore when does become a moment becomes a movement. He goes to recall the past outrage of police against the black Americans which is becoming a national crisis. It is a form of discrimination to blame the young Blacks for their style or clothing. But more than that, the Blacks are still divided as to their response against racist policing. The collective anger of the Blacks should be transformed into reforms. Local organizations should be established in coordination with national networks to achieve reform. A movement can try to ally with other communities, but would require patience and persistence to work. Fighting for reform is much better than promoting violence and aggression in the streets for Ferguson.
Raab, L. (2014). Turmoil in Ferguson, Mo.: What You Need to Know. LA Times. Web, 21 Aug 2014. Retrieved August 27, 2014 from nationnow/la-na-nn-michael-brown-ferguson-missouri-shooting-20140811- story.html#page=1
Lauren Raab is a reporter at LA Times that writes an organized news article about the murder of Michael Brown. The first part provides different angles of the story coming from the police, the witnesses and autopsy. The second part profiles the victim, the suspect and the investigators. Finally, the last section of the news reported the effects of the murder to Ferguson and the implications on the black community. The article clearly states the interplay of different actors and events surrounding the death of Brown. The police tell an unorganized story contradicting to the witness and autopsy reports. Shooting someone who is unarmed and surrendering is against the rules of engagement. Moreover, the racial dispute further complicates the incident. Brown’s death revealed the disproportionate targeting in Ferguson. It seems that racism is still not fully eradicated to this day. The incident can open opportunities for further racial reform and strict policy implementation not only in Ferguson but in other states of America as well.
Rhodan, M. (2014). US Attorney Launches Civil Rights Investigation into Michael Brown Shooting. Web 13 Aug 2014. Retrieved 27 Aug 2014 from: < >
Maya Rhodan writes about the investigation of the Department of Justice on the death of Michael Brown, an unarmed black teen in Ferguson, Missouri. The U.S. Attorney is still trying to evaluate if there is any clear federal civil rights violation regarding the incident. The Police Chief Thomas Jackson emphasized the utmost priority given to racial relations. However, protesters and witnesses attest how Brown was killed while raising his hands as a sign of surrender. How come there is no civil rights violation when an unarmed teenager was shot six times doing an act of surrender? The decision to investigate might further infuriate civil rights movements and stir more violence in the streets. Hopefully, there is a credible due process employed to avoid any biased decisions and corruption during the results of the case. Besides, any human being regardless of race or stature, once shot helplessly is a clear act of murder.
Usborne, D. (2014). Michael Brown Shooting: US to Review Militarization of Police in Aftermath of Ferguson Riots. The Independent. Web, 24 Aug 2014. Retrieved 27 Aug 2014 from < shooting-us-to-review-militarisation-of-police-in-aftermath-of-ferguson-riots- 9688633.html>
David Usborn is a US editor from The Independent, a platform for UK news and World News. The article written relates the issue of police militarization unto the shooting of Michale Brown from the State of Missouri. Police militarization is an effort of the Washington to effectively combat war on drugs and lower local crimes. However, the protests for Brown’s shooting were handled with heavy automatic weapons, military style vehicles and body-armoured police forces. The presence of militarized police implies fear on the silent protesters. The point of the article is to reveal the possible violence that police can engage upon receiving highly advanced equipment. Police are local enforcers with the primary duty to protect the safety and welfare of its citizens. They are not meant to engage in wars or national warfare unlike the army. The murder of Brown shows that local enforcers can certainly exercise violence. The policy makers should really review police militarization to strike a balance between police authority and citizen safety.